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Mosquito FAQs

Is it true that male mosquitoes don't bite?
Only the female mosquito bites to obtain a blood meal which they need in order to produce eggs. The male mosquito feeds only on plant nectar. Female mosquitoes will also feed on nectar.

Do mosquitoes need water to survive?
All mosquitoes must have water in which to complete their life cycle. Female mosquitoes will lay their eggs in shallow water or even on damp soil that is prone to flooding.  Mosquitoes can survive in natural water sources such as puddles left after a storm, creeks, lakes, marshes and in man-made water sources such as fountains, gutters, bird baths, rain barrels, storm drains and neglected swimming pools.  

How long does it take for mosquitoes to complete their life cycle?
Only seven days are required to complete their life cycle (egg to adult) during warm weather.

What is the average lifespan of a mosquito?
The female mosquito may live as long as three weeks during the summer or may remain inactive for several months over the winter in order to lay her eggs in the following spring.

What is the deadliest animal in the world?
Because mosquitoes can spread deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis, more deaths have been caused by mosquitoes than sharks, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, spiders, or bees combined.    A single malarial mosquito can infect more than 100 people.  Malaria claims the lives of 483,000 children per year - 90% of those in Africa.

What is the purpose of mosquitoes/what are they good for?

Everybody can probably agree that the mosquito is an organism we could do without. However, mosquitoes have an important role in our world. Most people don't know that mosquitoes are pollinators. Male mosquitoes feed only on nectar and females, besides feeding on blood, will also feed on nectar. So as they go from flower to flower feeding on nectar they may also be actively pollinating. Mosquitoes also are a food source for many organisms including insects, such as dragonflies, lizards, fish, spiders and other small predatory creatures. Mosquito larvae in the water are an important food source for many aquatic organisms. As parasites and carriers of disease organisms, mosquitoes also play a role in ecosystems to keep populations of many organisms in check. Weaker and more suspectible individuals may be affected by mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit. These individuals are removed from the population which reduces overcrowding and ensures there is enough food, shelter and other resources for the general population. Mosquitoes are just one part of a complex web in nature, but it is likely a very important part.

What’s the best way to keep mosquitoes out of the yard?

Unfortunately, there really isn't anything that has proven highly effective at repelling mosquitoes from yards. Citronella has limited effectiveness. "Mosquito magnets" may draw in even more mosquitoes to the yard and switch over to peoeple once they arrive. Mosquitoes prefer people over bug zappers, and though the zappers might kill some mosquitoes, they also attract and kill other insects, both good ones and bad ones. The best way to protect yourself outdoors when there are lots of mosquitoes present is to use an approved mosquito repellent  and, if it's not too warm outside, wear long pants and shirts with long sleeves. Screen houses/Screen tents work well, though being inside one doesn't have the same ambience as being out in the open under blue skies or under the stars. Mosquitoes are weak flyers and aren't active on windy nights when the wind is blowing above 10 mph so using fans at a higher setting can provide some relief. At the very least, be sure to dump out anything in the yard that's holding standing water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. It would be even more effective to have your neighbors get rid of standing water sources in their yards, too! 

Diagram illustrating the lifecycle of a mosquito, from egg raft to larva, pupa, and adult.